
Sell and Be Rich – 
How to become Abundant and Wealthy by $elling  

Original edition, 2018

Second edition – 2021


Topics vary from improving success techniques to business


The YouTube channel contains a number of videos with Changarampatt’s personal appearances or a past event.


Corporate and large group trainings by booking.

About us

We design and execute development plans for you.

Changarampatt Research specialises in listening to your goals and ambitions to develop a custom built development plan.

Personal development, Community & Project development, wealth creation, and revenue creation are possible elements we can build into the plan.

The secret of success


Each element is identified and excelled upon. This is a first step to achieving success.


Rewarding the efforts, small or big, is celebration of on-going success.


Effective communication of expectations and achievements creates transparency leading to success.


Everything must be structured. One way or other, structure layers information and tasks leading to success.

Changarampatt, the business coach

contact information

write us or contact us on our social media